Friday, March 23, 2012


In many ways, including the sarcastic one...


We have had a beautiful spring
 and the early flowers are out in full force:

On the other hand...
One of the many things I used to do was laser shows for large events.
I might have been one of the few who understood the dangers
and i have a few small ones left from the day.
The morning was foggy and so i thought i would show the "line" a laser makes...
small green laser
The dark spot is the "burn" spot....
Note the second picture where the reflection of the laser has burned the screen of the camera...
think what it might do to eyes!


Gail said...

Hi Joey -
oh my, dangerous indeed and beautiful too. wow
Love you man

Lou said...

The pictures are a great visual explanation! I think technologies we take for granted today will, in the future, be found harmful..such as food irradiation, cell phones, etc.

I'm not a fanatic about it, but I try to take prudent precautions. I don't believe things are "safe" because a marketing firm tells me so.

Lori said...

Yikes, serious retina damage! I have heard stories about people being blinded by lasers.

Our flowers are blooming also. The earth is spouting spring beauty and I love it!

Shionge said...

Thanks for sharing the lovely photos :)