Saturday, June 21, 2014

more tests

Chilly today,
MRI tomorrow....
no that is not how it is suppose to go,
but there have been new "things" going on.
New unusual headaches,
forgetfulness in mid sentence,
of words,
not though.
Words themselves,
at time become jumbled.
It might be due to the throbs of pain,
not that severe,
but nevertheless,
that course through my head.
Not the normal headache,
but reminiscent of those i had before...
before the operation,
the ones that were signs,
of the tumor pressing against my brain stem.
Besides the discomfort,
there is fear,
not of death,
but of going through the trauma of an operation again
or rather of the recovery after the operation.
this is a lot to chew on for a Saturday morning.

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