Saturday, May 22, 2010

A walk with the outcasts

Most morning, on the way to work,
 i walk past those who would be the outcast of this society,
the alcoholics. the mentally ill, the drug users.
From past jobs, i recognize some.
i will not judge,
for i have not lived their life,
felt their pain,
had their experiences.
They also recognize me,
through their delusions or stupor
and i greet them.
They meet me in the way they are able,
but always civilly,
without anger or judgment.
and many times i find kindness from them,
a look,
a wave of the hand
and in some cases...
a back rub.
The receive whatever kindness they give with thankfulness.

1 comment:

Woman in a Window said...

Your walk to work is a larger metaphor of how you walk through life. In that you are receiving tells me that you are walking well.
