Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And the question is...

I am in a place of lots of questions.
I am seeing the doctor (head trauma specialist) and have a list of them.
I am planning a trip, to Virginia and am nervous and have lots of questions.
I am generally a bit worried, unsettled, a bit confused, more than normal.
I feel like I am shutting down my heart, because something is going to happen.
A great unease which leaves me bereft of words and thoughts.
Because of this, I have not been writing much.
It is okay, it will break soon.
Hunkering down in a foxhole to escape what i feel is coming.
I can not shake it off and many are trying to help me, to no avail.
Just get through this, just get through this in one piece.


Gail said...


I understand. Stay safe and in hiding as long as you need. YOU will know when it is time to emerge. I so relate to the "shift".

Love you man
peace and hope.....

betchai said...

am sorry Joey, I don't know much to say to help you feel better, but I sure do wish and pray you would get through all of them. wishing you well.

Carrie Van Horn said...

While you are hunkering down in your foxhole...we will miss you and you will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

honestly i have seen so many doing and feeling exactly what you are describing... myself included.
Things will sort themselves out...that I can promise you.

Woman in a Window said...

Joey, yes, please, just get through this.

I've known a little of those feelings though. Hunker down. But keep a spot ready to open up.
