Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I do not always need to understand, but i see "themes" shared across the people who blog here.  Each story has a different twist, but the theme is followed and its own right, it is beautiful.

So yesterday, i was at the head trauma doctor and while there was progression in the most important areas, there were areas that went backwards.
I knew there would be a mixed bag.
There has been extra strain at work and I have gone home with my eyes truly hurting.
I was worried that there would be a wholesale backwards movement, but there was real progress and so still once again, I am thankful.

I think this is fitting for thanksgiving day, so to all have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your kind messages of love and support, it meant the world to me and I will always be grateful for you taking the time to keep Stellan in your thoughts while he fought his injury.
I think it is really lovely of you, I know that you of all people understand the fragility and equally the strength of the human brain.
Thank you so much
You are a good friend

Brenda's Arizona said...

It is lovely how you see the thankfulness. I love reading your posts and walking away, nodding my head in agreement, in the magic of what you say.