Thursday, November 10, 2011

A day off

Coming tomorrow,
Veterns day,
a day of rememberance,
and i have so many things to remember...
So tomorrow,
a warm day in November...
cooking brisket,
Texas Brisket that is,
for a last time of the season.
It has beenan eventful and wonderful week.
I think i gained a few pounds,
but it was worth it.
Pizza from yet another Stamford place -
such a little town and so much Pizza.
Cove this time
and it passed the cold pizza in the morning test...
a strange test that not many can pass.
Warmth from friends letting me pass this day of remembering ones no longer here.
A good day still
and more to come...


Daniel Del Ferraro said...

I thought I was the only one who did the cold pizza thing. NICE!

Granny Annie said...

Today we thank those who currently serve and those who have served in the past. We need to remember to thank them every day.

Unknown said...

Dan, this is theabsolute test of really great pizza vs "okay" pizza!