Sunday, March 25, 2012

Turning around and Embracing that which we run from

I simply have no other way to describe it...
we run from thigs that are painful,
but the only way through them is to turn around
and yes embrace that which would hurt us.
They lose their power.
they become something good
or the good in them is now apparent.
There is no more to say...


Gail said...

Joey - it is when I stopped running from myself, turned and faced my truths that I was freed to "be" and live fully.
Love you man - great picture :-)

Jenny Woolf said...

Thank you for visiting my blog, and I'm glad I found yours.
You are right about embracing pain, although it is hard to think sometimes of the good in them, but we have to get used to it come what may.

betchai said...

so very true Joey, sometimes, the more we escape and run away from the pain, the more the pain haunts us, but once we turn around and embrace it, we are freeing ourselves from the pain.

Salitype said...

I've turned my back on some of the painful stuff, some stuff I just don't know how to deal with.
