So what happens near the end of the garden season (for us in CT it is now)
and you have loads of fresh veggies and herbs?
You become creative...
with unusual combinations
and although it is not timed...
you feel you are on an episode of Chopped...
Eggplant, cinnamon basil, garlic, parsley, red potatoes, onions, red bell peppers, long hot green peppers.
This is in your basket...
and your time starts now!
So i thought i would have pictures, but blogger is acting out...
The basil is very strong - so i saute this to crisp it, add onions and then set it aside.
Eggplant - slice thin, soak in salt water, drain dry and fry - add to onions and basil.
Red potatoes - cut into chunks after washing, boil till just soft.
separately - fry some diced red peppers and hot peppers.
Drain potatoes add pepper mixture, stir in some chopped parsley and some butter, salt and serve.
We watch "chpped" too! I do it mainly for the participants -to observe's fun and funny sometimes.
Don't have experience with cinnamon basil -does it have a cinnamony taste?
(am writing from my artblog, but you also know me as Emille from my Artisique blog)
cinnamin basil has a cinnamin smell and some of the taste, but the actual basil taste is even stronger, hence, i fry it to reduce the intensity
oh so yummy! i am already liking this one even if i have not tried it simply because i love all he ingredients :)
You had me at eggplant. Love the stuff.
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