Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday morn - the calm after the storm

i sit here quietly
on this beginning of autumn day,
still surrounded by the gren wall of plants
that i must soon take in.
Finding a bit of pease,
knowing that i lost so many songs during the past week of work.
How strange to know i lost those songs
and not to remember them.
Therre are various forces trying to make me stay,
but thism orning i am sure i will not.
It robs me of too much
and there are too many songs in my heart yet to bring.


Granny Annie said...


erin said...

does staying rob you or leaving? does staying give to you or leaving? or both? or both?

soon you will bring the green plants inside)))

you are beautiful and i touch you.


luluberoo said...

Decisions, decisions..but sitting peacefully on a Saturday morn lets the heart decide what is right.

Gail said...

HI JOEY - your journey is amazing - raw, honest, heart felt and heart wrenching, a miracle too, and I adore you. stay close as I need you more than you know. I am here for you too.
Love Gail