Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 4 of the imposed "squeeky" vow of silence

Day four of my voice sounding quieter than a mouse,
my house mates are relieved,
cause i love to talk.
I have taken traditional and untraditional remedies.
I have seen my docotor,
who verified it was only viral, not bacterial.
I have increased my vitamin C,
add zinc.
Taken a spoonful of Tumeric with honey -
all of these Anti-virals and immune system boosters.
i have had my Anise tea and lemon.
Drunk chicken soup,
but when i try to speak - i only squeek!
It is much fun to those who know me
and to their merriment they listen to me try to talk.
I have spent time in bed,
that i would rather be doing something else.

My voice, my voice, wherefor hath thou gone?

a bad misquote, but it expresses my feelings.


Carole said...

Hope you get your voice back soon. At least you can still blog!

Shionge said...

Hope you are getting better now and yes, I know that feeling so you drink plenty of water Joey :D