Tuesday, February 5, 2013

moving on

news that was not medical
and was not surprising,
still took its toll.
Anger tried to wheal up,
but i put it down.
News had reached me of what i expected,
the person spoke so poorly about others when backs were turned.
Why would i be any different.
The bitterness of this persons soul does not allow a healing touch,
but i will not add to that,
nor will i take the bait that is swung in front of my face.
i take a different way
and i speak of the trouble only to acknowledge
that i face the anger anyway,but i do not let it control me.
Forgive and let go,
they are not part of my life,
but as long as they hold on,
i will be a part of theirs
and that is sad.
God bless them is all i can say
and then i...
walk away.


Michelle (Isabelle) said...

Very wise ... "Forgive and let go ... God bless them ... and then walk away." God Bless you too, Joey.

Shionge said...

Just like Michelle, your wise words of 'forgive and let go' is exactly what we should do....forgiving is good for our soul.

Thank you for sharing this thought :D

Genskie said...

very good decision... walk away and let God do the rest... God bless your heart Joey!

erin said...

just yesterday i was lamenting about how difficult it is (sometimes) to be with people. i love them and yet once together certain toxicities develop. why is this?

God bless them is all i can say
and then i...
walk away

what else might we do?
