Thursday, June 27, 2013


a large rain drop fell,
tearing through the sky to hit leaves and end on the sidewalk.

I take my first sip of coffee,
but i am not truly awake yet.

A pattern of large rains drops began,
making way for a steady, softer pattern of smaller ones.

Sitting on the porch,
 i continue with my coffee,
yes, MY coffee,
slowly bringing my mind to consciousness.

The softer rain now has covered the sidewalk,
changing its color,
cooling it down
by making it wet.

I do not have my glasses on,
so what i see is,
The images coming into my brain are sharp,
but not clear,
for what each eye sees,
is not combined into a single image,
but remains separate
and not by a little margin,
so as to make the images blurry,
but by a great margin,
so as to make them confused.

A potted plant,
and there!
When i look out on the world this way,
my eyes and brain do not strain
and i am relaxed.

The rain stops softly,
as if it had not been,
with no noise.
Behind plants and air are refreshed.

I finish my coffee and am awake enough to come inside
and reflect on a new day.

1 comment:

Michelle (Isabelle) said...

A wonderful, awakening reflection, Joey. Thank you for sharing. Neat to see the morning unfold through raindrops and through the eyes of another with an entirely unique perspective. Joyful day to you, my friend! =)