Saturday, July 6, 2013

back and forth

times of fight
and flight.
Thankfulness and fearfulness.
None go together,
but a realization seems to dawn on me:
This life is not the trial i thought it was,
but a gift to be enjoyed.
The "things" that we struggle with,
 are only distractions,
from what is truly important:
Being thankful for the apple to be eaten, is the message,
not the other things.
This life,
do we squander it,
or do we embrace it?


Shionge said...

Good or Bad, Happy or Sad let's embrace it and turn bad to good and sad to happy :D

Cheers Joey :D

Zenserly said...

whispering here and saying "thank you," for the reminder to keep embracing what truly matters most and not the distractions :)

Carole said...

Good message in this post! Keep up the great work!

betchai said...

so happy for you Joey, keep on embracing the gifts that come your way.