Friday, November 29, 2013

a time of reflection and remembering lessons

it is not really early -,
but the house is still and quiet.
Soon it will be bustling with activity and distractions
as the two men i call brothers,
(for brothers they are in spirit, not in blood),
will waken.
5 years now,
a life time ago,
that operation caused havoc on my life,
forcing me to reshape my priorities
and see what was truly important.
5 years ago is the time i "lost" cognizance and at least 2 years of memories.
Oh, but what i gained!
Those lessons are many times challenged
and i face the revoking of them,
but no matter what,
i will stay true to them.
People who come into my life are invited into my "family",
which extends beyond the 2 men i live with.
We are many time dysfunctional
and selfish
and forget our purpose in this world,
but we hold each other up
and try to re-remind each other
to hold fast.
We fail, we fumble
and this is not different than any other human on this planet
or any other family.
In the end,
we stick together
and hold on despite the difficulties around us.
The invitation to join this family, is not given lightly,
but it is given and many times rejected,
to the loss of those who reject.
No claim of perfection,
nor of perfect knowledge,
but one of commitment and love.

1 comment:

Zenserly said...

Whispering here and saying this is so INSPIRING! and I would love to be a part of what you call family even only virtually :)