Friday, January 16, 2009

Another friend

Well my walking companion took off for Vermont for a few days to visit his sister (I think he really likes the cold) and has left me with the joy of walking our Dog in the morning. Jake is a small black Lab/Retriever mix. He only ways about 40 pounds, but he is strong, but also very gentle and sweet. Needless to say, I was exhausted after walking him around the block. I think this will be a big exercise booster for me for the next 5 days. He is very camera shy, but I have managed to get a couple of good pictures. Did I say he is very affectionate? And that he likes to be a lap dog? At this pint he is the only other animal in our home (oops! David, I forgot about your finches and cockatiels) I don't see much of them anyway, as they are in his room. What can I say? Not a thing, they are all taking care of me at this time!


Unknown said...

Wonderful dog. They don't allow me to keep them where I live but I love dogs.

Unknown said...

I am always sad when places will not allow animals. To me they help make us sane. I am fortunate to own my home.