Yes, I admit it, I have been drooling while watching the weather channel, cause I am always checking the weather in my old home town of Houston, Texas. While we have not seen the freezing mark as a high for awhile (we are on the underside of it), Houston's lows have been in the upper 40s and 50s. Today and tommorow we might get up to levels that will melt this black and grey snow and ice that is out there. And then there is hope, every year about this time, Target starts selling seeds and in anticipation of spring and for my own well being, I buy what I think I will need. I helps me realize that winter is soon to be finished and that the daffodil farm, way up on Roxbury (?) will be blooming again,. A poor picture is included for your edification, enjoyment and hope for the end of this difficult winter. I always view spring as the begining of the new year.
Are you thinking of the Treetops property off Merriebrook? The daffodils there are spectacular :)
Thanks for your kindness and support on my blog over the past week.
This is actually Riverbank Road, at one time it was a nursery/farm and has an old stone greenhouse. This location is above the Merrit Parkway. If there is one on Merribrook, I'll look that up also this spring. And, yes, I do know a bit about loss, peace to you Patty.
It is indeed much nicer and sunny in Houston. But don't you love the charm of bone chilling weather?
Ha Ricardo!, Ha!
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