Tuesday, February 10, 2009

every New Step

It seems that each step forward I take, reveals a new item that has been hidden by the symptoms, IE... the swallowing problem, exacerbated by the cholesterol/triglyceride medication has cleared up leaving a tickle spot in the mouth at the base of my tongue. This is healing now, but will setup fits of coughing for various reasons. Not being able to eat the right things while the swallowing problem occurred, brought my weight up a bit too far (15 pounds too far), and my blood pressure has increased. The winter we had assisted this problem.
My doctor this morning asked me if I really needed the cane and I said yes. There are times, that I get disoriented enough that I lose perspective of where I am and start to keel over. I do not need it in the house, there are enough objects to grab, but outside I need it. This is getting better, but it is also why I do not drive, I can see getting one of these bits of confusion and crashing.
So I continue my exercise, the Tea Kwon Do, walking, blogging and painting. Everything helps
The above freezing temperatures help also.

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