Saturday, June 6, 2009


I have what is called an extremely analytical mind, one of the reasons I work as an analytical chemist. All through school, the teachers, etc..., tested me and I had high marks for abstract reasoning. What this means is that I am good at solving puzzles, figuring things out, solving problems, they told me my IQ was in the 160's, whatever that means.
All that problem solving ability really does not mean a whole lot when the pieces are missing are the picture is not clear. The right side of the brain, where i am told all this comes from, is left going Huh?
Losing absolutely all of it helped revive a starving part of the brain, the place where painting and compassion and love, come in.
I am left with a strange by-product. hope. Unquenchable, undeniable, unreasonable hope. It completely flies in the face of all reason and where i should feel despair, i feel that things will resolve themselves.
I have several close friends going through terrible things and every thing looks black and dark to them and i keep seeing an end that is positive, I feel it!
Sometimes they can not stand to be around me, because what i say or feel makes no sense, it flies completely in the face of all the facts.
Everyone expects that some fantastic miracle will happen and i will suddenly see correctly. They are very disappointed every day that i do not, but me, ah, me.
I see improvement, nit necessarily daily, but from 3 months ago and i know it will be over and each day i do not see correctly physically, gives me a new chance to see things without seeing.
That my friends is the hope that is in me.
and then comes Paul, not my favorite character, "Not by sight...."


Libby said...

joey, miracles don't necessarily happen overnight, do they? some take years of faith, hope, and, sometimes, work, but they do happen!

Grant said...

I hope, on a daily basis, that I can reach the toilet before the shart attacks begin.

Unknown said...

Hey Joe - I like to figure things out as well, but I can also get lost in a book or create a sculpture when pruning a bush or capture a magical image through my camera lens. I try not to let my work define me, but trouble shooting as a career presents many opportunities to help friends with issues they may have with systems they don't understand. I think that I have my fair share of that thing you call HOPE - keep working at improving your sight each day - both the physical and spiritual ones - don't let the petty things get you down.