Friday, July 3, 2009


After looking at everything, i think I am facing an interesting choice.
There seems to be a true see saw motion between the "creative" side and the "analytical" side and i can clearly see it my posts.
The analytical side can be very clear and look at things from many sides, but has an edge to it and in fairly inflexible. I think there can be a touch of arrogance as well.
The creative side is more flexible, flows and is creative in life and situations.
I think the creative side is taking over.
I think this is good.
I think i will see how this turns out!


Grant said...

Perhaps you can compromise and become creatively analytical. On a whimsy, you can choose to analyze the crap out of a random situation. I've noticed that when fast food places do giveaways, they hand out most of the free sandwiches and fries early on to encourage participation but hold the big cash prizes towards the end to keep people returning.

Unknown said...

Grant - have a beer or shot or a cup of miso soup on me! that was the best idea. as the 2 sides have been fighting each other, maybe it is time for a merger!

Zainuddin Haji Sulaiman said...

I think what you're experiencing or been undergone has a simillarity to what I have underwent so far.

Because first of all, I think, we are having the same problem which, later on or gradually I don't think it's a problem or disturbing but more on rewarding us, if comparing truthfully, honestly or the more genuine word or the excellent word or the majestic word should be sincere. In Arabic term this word is called Ikhlas. We in Malay language use the same word of the Arabic word of Ikhlas.

You're trying to analyse what you're experiencing as changing or more compromising than before and become creatively. But I do not totally agree with that analyze because to us who are more definite at the early stage, we feel that we are more open with this change. Please! do not try to lie to ourself. Our behaviour are good too, at the beginning, we are not harsh to ourselves, only this is just of something of opening one of the door which is already and always there but never be opened and we are given very golden oppurtunity or I can say, I bet it is very diamond oppurtunity for someone like us to suffer the terrible disease and recovering gradually and can behave like the normal again to feel, to think and to behave with a new determination to be a very good person forever.

I'm looking forward to your correction of what of your not agreeing or against of what i''ve been scribbling up above.

Thanks and beautiful regards from me Zainuddin (Haji)Sulaiman
the word in bracket can be omitted at anytime without any hesitation by anyone, anyplace.

Unknown said...

Zainuddin - You have a very tough road with that illness and you show the same high level of intelligence as others with that illness that I have had the pleasure to meet (being able to read and write both Arabic and English). You would indeed understand the struggle I have in a unique way, having lived with that dichotomy for years. i value your input, thank you.

Just Another She said...

When my analytical side kicks in, I tend to analyze stuff out of my life. When the creative side kicks in,I forget what the kids names are. Some days I prefer the latter.

Annie Coe said...

Both are good. Go with the flow :-).

listen for azure said...

I think one of the reasons I'm drawn to your writing is because I, too, am both things. I find it challenging to not let one win over the other. For me, the best of both worlds is painting because it is order and chaos, together.