Friday, October 16, 2009


After a bad Monday (it was a day off, but my mind and eyesight were not being good to me), the rest of the week has been good.
I helped out my own personal charge (a person in a difficult place that has been brought into my life for whatever), found in roads into helping people understand the insanity that is the water testing we are doing and generally laughed a lot.
Laughter always helps and although I had to rest for a significant time after work (1 hour or more), I was seeing and walking better by Friday than I have in a while.
i only have to work on Saturday and will take off Wednesday next week.
So I would say it is a good week.
The weather is down right ugly, but besides it being cold, it is not effecting me or my spirits.
Good days/bad days, can I laugh through them?
That would be a really good thing.


Mark said...

Keep laughing!

Gail said...


You sound wonderful. :-) And for me, I am always better in the cooler weather, regardless if it is rainy or whatever - the heat and humidity always makes my symptoms much worse and the cooler temps energize me.
Enjoy your day(s) off.

Love to you

Annie Coe said...

Laughter is good medicine :-). Glad you are having a good week.

Barry said...

I will laugh with you Joey!

Besides, it is the only logical response to this crappy weather.

listen for azure said...

Dr. Rachel recommends a good, long stomp in leaves. Maybe roll around a little. A giggle wouldn't hurt, either...