Saturday, October 17, 2009

The World in a swirl

As if the wind is blowing,
in a whirlwind fashion.
My mind swirls with thoughts and images.
Headlines in the news,
contradict each other,
one after another.
My vision seems tame compared
to the madness we witness on a daily basis.
Swirling with two images,
at least mine are identical and clear.
Not at all like the craziness that6 rages
in this world today.
My thoughts still race,
jumping from one item to the next.
What madness is this?

The Autumn wins blow hard.


Strictly Stamford said...

My head is spinning Whitemist!

listen for azure said...

I often think people challenge everything out of fear. Once we remove fear (of success? failure? spinach salad?) we are reduced to creatures that can finally just BE.

But how do we do that? Still working on that part...

Gail said...


It took me several tries to read the letters in a swirled line - phew.
Happy weekend
Love Gail

Libby said...

this is a great painting, joey!

Scarlet said...

Love the creativity in this post...and the way you left me thinking (as you always do, Mr. Thought Provoker!).

I wish you'd blow some autumn wind to Miami! :)

Lori said...

What a beautiful painting. I think people challenge things constantly mabye because they have a desire to know, to understand. I have that tendency. I am the one who constantly wants to know why?