Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today is a typical New England Spring - cold!
I do not like it, my plants do not like it, but it will all go back to the warm spring we have been having tomorrow!

The Cherry trees,
 losing their blossoms in the wind,
creating a blanket of pink,
covering on the ground.
Swirling in the wind and passing cars,
like a soft powdery snow.


I do not know how to embed a movie clip, but will post if I can.


Annie Coe said...

Sounds like you are having the same weather we are in Taos, Winter, Spring, Winter, Spring :-).

Ileana said...

This photo and this poem take me to another place and time. LOVE IT!!

Grant said...

The first year I moved to Georgia I awakened to hear lawnmowers in late February. Fortunately this year has been more mild.