Wednesday, May 5, 2010


As i have struggled the past year and a half to understand what has happened to me,
I have been somewhat dismayed to find an answer that satisfied me.
Although i felt disabled or handicapped, neither truly fit.
I thought of the word, Limited and knew there was depth in the meaning
and so much, much more.
For we are all limited in our abilities in some way for a jet pilot may not be able to wash windows on a skyscraper or paint a picture or sculpt.
We do not have the ability to everything.
And we should not.

So right now i am limited in certain things i used to not be limited in.
I dare not drive a car for fear of injuring myself or others.
I get tired quickly, so do not have the stamina that i used to.
I would say those are the direct result of the vision issue.
It is not trivial.
The whole process has opened something else,
something which did not exist before.
I used to take things apart to their smallest pieces and that would be my description of them.
A leaf on a tree would be green because the pigment representing cellular growth, chlorophyll, was in greater concentration than the pigment re[presenting cellular decay, Pheophytin and the leaf was attached to the tree through one of the many polymers of sugars that gave it structure.
Now a leaf flutters in the wind, 
like a butterfly on a tether. 
stretching to be free.
Its emerald green glistening in the sun like a jewel.

The difference is amazing, but i never saw the second way before.
Now i see both.

I am i really limited or has my perspective changed?
With new ways of looking at things very present,
sing a song in my heart.

I am no longer frightened.


Gail said...


You are a shining example of graceful surrender in to one's self and in that surrender so much is possible, new, beautiful and alive.

Love Gail

Brenda's Arizona said...

Wow, I totally like this. New perspective on a lesser view...
Excellent awareness, Whitemist!

Ileana said...

Joey, I love the way you think and express yourself. You never fail to inspire me and help me see things with different eyes.

Unknown said...

You are not limited and your perspective has changed to reflect that. You are more powerful than you thing my friend.

Woman in a Window said...

You here aware as you are, amazing. You've received a gift. That's not to discount the gravity of other limitations, but what I see of you here, it is mostly gift.

Your last sentence set me quiet.
