Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Walking into a trap, with my eyes wide open

I am planning to walk into a trap.
It will find me deficient,
but life is not about being right
or wrong,
it is about living.
In the past,
in my youth,
i must be right
or there would be terrible consequences.
And so i always sought to have an answer,
that could withstand initial scrutiny.
It saved me many times.
Now i find i must deal with my lack,
my loss,
my mistakes.
It is troubling me
and i seek to make it okay.
I am walking into a trap
and i will be wrong,
and found wanting,
it will be okay.


Gail said...


wow, very mysterious, with great intrigue. Inquiring minds want to know!!

love you man

Unknown said...

This sounds on the surface where I am at and it's not pleasant. At least not for me.

Unknown said...

Ah Gail, the trap is a real one, in the physical, but it is all about the emotional.
Theriddle continues with the following:
If one has done all they should do,
all they can do,
should one still feel "wrong" or guilty about failing or failing short?

Woman in a Window said...

Not guilty at all, I should hope.

We are all just a little short to reach the tree. How 'bout you climb on my shoulders and we'll get some apples?
