Saturday, March 5, 2011

For a few days the weather confused me...

The beauty of an early Spring,
was blown away by a blustery wind.
Walking in to work,
the bitter wind coming down the river,
froze me yet again.
So much to do,
so very many things to do...
for a day, i "punted"
and did nothing.
One day for me,
so many other days for others,
of course mostly my mom
and that is okay,
but i do begin to show the stress marks after a bit.
"They" say they understand,
but then go after me like a pack of dogs.
i fight them off.
Thay back off for a while,
but it is clear "they" do not understand.
Some times a malasie stikes me,
and i am powerless.
Sometimes those angry dogs bring a spark back into me,
because i do not back down,
i still know how to fight
and fight i do.
Is this the work of my malady,
with which i have contended so long.
I never give up,


erin said...

joey, if it's the work of your malady then your malady has made you well.

i came across this quote at christopher's this morning. i think perhaps herein lies the divide between you and your co-workers.

"Our purpose is to consciously, deliberately evolve toward a wiser, more liberated and luminous state of being; to return to Eden, make friends with the snake, and set up our computers among the wild apple trees. Deep down, all of us are probably aware that some kind of mystical evolution - a melding into the godhead, into love - is our true task. Yet we suppress the notion with considerable force because to admit it is to acknowledge that most of our political gyrations, religious dogmas, social ambitions and financial ploys are not merely counterproductive but trivial. Our mission is to jettison those pointless preoccupations and take on once again the primordial cargo of inexhaustible ecstasy." - Tom Robbins

it's wonderful to read you again. i moved sites and lost you briefly. i hope you are well in spirit and body.


Grant said...

It tricked my body into beginning to heal, and then the freezing came back.

Pheromone Girl said...

It's nice to see an old friend. Hi. I'm glad to see you still write.

Pheromone Girl said...

It's nice to see an old friend. I'm glad to see you still wite just as well. Happy (almost) spring to you!