Thursday, September 29, 2011

still going

A thousand titles for this, but the reality is that i am still in therecovery phase of the whole thing with the eyes.
Many issues were worrying me, but it turns out that some was due to over 3 years since the operation.
This is not something that is typical, but prob\pted the doctor to tell me she expects still more by summer.
I can say little more...


Daniel Del Ferraro said...

Did you get Lasik or surgery? I've been thinking about getting Laski but it's scary.

Unknown said...

The long stroy is to read the entire blog, the short one is i had a large tumor taken out which left me living, but with double vision that is still in process of change...over three years after!

Daniel Del Ferraro said...

Oh my God. That's horrible. It's amazing that you're okay. Will need to read the original post.