Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The price of progress

There is a saying,
and i do not want to look it up right now,
that healing comes from pain.
So it is with my eyes,
not real pain, but discomfort.
What makes me feel good and see well,
is not what is best for my eyes.
What my docotor did with my glasses, seemed to cause discomfort...
they did not seem right or correct.
Something was wrong,
but that was not the case...
the progress was due to the "discomfort"
and progess comes at a price!


Gail said...

HI JOEY - you are so wise and so real - yes, healing is painful, no doubt about it!
Love you man......

Annie Coe said...

Healing can be painful, but worth it if you are getting improvment.
I hope you continue on your healing path. xoxo