Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The meaning of Living and life

A light layer of white lays on the ground,
it is not a blizzard
and it is a welcome relief from the terrible cold of the other day,

but i am struggling in my heart

and every thing is "why?".

i do not have answers,

I do not have direction.

I seem to plod along,

wandering in the snow.


what they are for

and for but a moment,

i do not know.

All things pass

and become the past

as will this

and probably by mid morn i will be fine.

Slip, slosh, slog, slosh. Slip
I make my way slowly today,
I am going too early and too late for a ride.
Past the sacred Heart Church,
Down the steep slope of Smith Street.
I have made it down the slope of Pine.
Streets with no houses, but streets of great importance,
To me.

A great noise - crows
replaced by a louder noise - geese
Cross the new pedestrian way of the Mill River Bridge.
I still ponder what was going through my head earlier,
But am distracted by the mere act of surviving the walk.
Survival is not all what it is about,
But I am not interested
in the yelling and the fighting and the anger
that seems to be part of what everyone else calls “surviving”.
I have no interest in that.
No desire for that.
I tend to withdraw now with that,
But do not provoke the beast, there is still bite left.
Do not corner him, do not push him.
And I still ponder the meaning of this thing called life…

And i still ask, why?

Why am i still here?

This is deep

and i can fall into an abbyss thinking.

I do not need to think,
but to be,

There are answers,
but i do not have to know them,
i just know that there are answers.

It is good enough for me.


Lou said...

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." said Mother Teresa. I always thought the meaning of life is in the details. Giving someone a smile, giving someone the benefit of the doubt, showing your gratitude with food..there are a million ways to explore the question. Maybe each of us is holding a small part of the answer, and we will only know it if we co operate!

erin said...

joey, put your hand to the snow and then inside your shirt collar. feel that heat? that is why.

this is beautiful, joey. this is vulnerable and beautiful and right and everything. how lucky we are that you are brave enough to share this.

i have started going to a blog that posts absolutely startling bits of writing that encompass the why, without saying why exactly, for who can ascribe words to something beyond language? you might like it. http://beautywelove.blogspot.com/
