Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

Easter for most of the western world will be on Sunday, but not yet for us "Orthodox" Christians. 
The difference is all about the moon phase and changing calanders, but it is not a big deal - at this time i celebrate this one, with a smaller celebration next week.
I think it is good to bring to rememberance all that has past, in church history and in my own life, so this is a difficult time because i am remembeering times and things from last year when i could barely think.
Some one sad to me the pain never passes, it just suck at little bit less each daay.
There is truth to that, people pass on and so we no longer see them here, but they are always present in our hearts and our actions.
I have decided today will be a day where i go through more "stuff" of my mom's.
Pictures will bring back memories and memories are not bad, but very good.
So it really is a good Friday.


Gail said...

Hi Joey
enjoy your time with your Mom :-) A Good Friday' indeed.

love you man

Anonymous said...

Memories spread over time? Sounds like a good plan... and a good way to honor your mother.

I do think it odd we have changed the holy days to fit the calendar...have a peaceful holiday.

erin said...

(( )))

it is not easy, joey, by any means and even as i say this i know i do not know what i am talking about, not really and yet i still talk. the pain tells us of the importance. our losses tell us of what we have had, of what we have.

love on this holiday weekend and always.


Granny Annie said...

Good Friday is not only a day to celebrate the great sacrifice made for us by our heavenly Father, it also gives time to pause and think of the many sacrifices made for us by our earthly parents. Enjoy the wonderful memories of your mother.

betchai said...

hope you had a Good Friday spent with your mom, memories though sometimes may be painful but help us also ease the pain.

krista said...

it is so hard to speak on the pain of others. how much i can't understand what you go through. yet i am inspired by your knowing that even the pain is good. thinking of you...

Shionge said...

Hi Joey...yes, they stayed on in our hearts forever and even though my Father passed away since Year 2005, I know he is watching over me and my family :D

Blessed you Joey :)

Salitype said...

Hoping that by looking at some old photos it will make you feel a whole lot better --

take care !
