Friday, May 4, 2012

a bit of fear

Yesterday, my doctor had me take a stress test.
He has been doing this for a long time, every year.
This year, i became aware of something going on as i approached a 7 minute mark -
I was having a panic attack!
I was thinking, i would not be able to breath again,
that i could not recover and live.
I realized that this has been going on since the "operation",
 when i did stop breathing in the middle of the proceedure.
The momories that i am not aware of are still around me.


Carole said...

Kia kaha Joey.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is terrible...fears have a way of coming out of nowhere. My son gets panic attacks, they are very hard on him.

I'm sure you know the different ways to mitigate the feeling but that doesn't help when they are happening!

Gail said...

HI JOEY - oh my, how scary for you. Panic attacks are so paralyzing and so frightening. Sending you calm and loving thoughts and prayers.
Love Gail

Granny Annie said...

"Worry is a prayer for something you don't want". Just sayin....

Salitype said...

Hope you get over your fear. Take care Joey, hope your stress test comes out with a good result.
