The weather in June feels more like a typical March - cool, windy with rain threatening.
We had a few wonderful days, warm, dry, full of sunshine, last week and a few muggy, stifling days before that (worse than what i remember Houston, Texas ever being).
Tomorrow is my Lab director's last day -
he started before me some 37 years ago.
For the most part he has been an excellent person to work for
(tho i thought he could have left awhile back, mostly for his sake).
When we had disagreements, it was mostly how we perceived things and how things should go.
i tend to be very strong minded.
The work at the lab waxes and wanes in an unpredictable manner:
some days there is literally nothing going on.
I use this time to catch up on "quality control" - the stuff that ensures that everything i work with is working okay.
Then comes days like the last 2 weeks, when every thing comes as a tsunami and i feel like i am drowning under everything that must be done.
These are the days i lose everything when i come home and it takes a weekend to return to normal.
So today at our house is a leftover day - when i just reheat what we have had previously - good and bad.
Not everyday can be creative!
My work at the hospital is the same. Sometimes it's laid back and flows smoothly, other days I'm "running" nonstop for 10 hours with no lunch. I come home frazzled and exhausted. I've been known to go to bed at 8 pm!
Like you, I've learned to rest when my body needs it.
I cannot comment with my wordpress ID, even though that option is given. It does not work, a lot of people have this problem. If you go under your settings and change comments to "anyone can comment" (since you have comment moderation anyway) I can comment with my preferred ID. You don't have to of just makes life easier for the wordpress users;)
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