Saturday, June 30, 2012


there are "things" calling out to me,
Things to keep me busy,
Things to do,
but deep down,
at this moment,
it is time to be.

The Garden calls out:
Trim me,
transplant me,
water me.

I fight the urge and remain calm.
To just be
is perhaps the most import thing one can do
To be still
and quiet
and listen and see
and to be at peace.

This does not occur during the work week,for it can not.
I give of my all
and the blood test say that it is like a strenuous work out.
It must occur now and tomorrow.

My only question is,
Is it enough?


Gail said...

HI JOEY - I am as close as this forum allows - holding you in prayer and hope for good days - and peace, yes, peace.
Love you man

luluberoo said...

I always lived in overdrive--pushing myself on all perceived "must accomplish today" list. Now I'm realizing how much of that was not wanting to deal with problems in my life, or my own feelings.

Last year I made a commitment to slow down. To live. To love. To look people in the eye and listen. It has been so freeing.

Life is full of distractions. Sounds like you exploring how to connect with serenity and acceptance.

Granny Annie said...

I manage to stay busy all day but still never feel like I've done enough. I especially never feel that I've done enough for others.

Jenny Woolf said...

I see you continue your quest for patience, and are learning well. Good luck, good thoughts.

erin said...

i don't understand why it is that work separates us from the good work of living. why are the two apart from one another? this is a flaw.

watching you. standing over here, not so far away.)))
