today is my birthday
and for it i did a number of things:
1) i did not go to work, they must learn to do it without me.
2)I washed my bed sheets - i get to sleep on clean sheet tonight!.
3) i went to a doctor appointment/consultation for somethings i do not want to do, but have enough people saying i should do it, that i will.
4) while at the appointment i stopped by the rehabilitation area that i spent 1.5 mounts in after the operation 4 years ago. This is about the time i left it and i have not been back since. It was time.
5)I am cooking - my own version of Pernil, roasted buttnut squash, corn bread and escarole. there are a few extra people coming over for dinner, but it is the cooking that is important.
6) I have not napped and when i am nt working, this is normal.
7) I visited a friend, always a good thing cause i got to see her laugh.
This is a good day, i did what i needed, faced my challenges head on, did something a bit over due, but difficult, did some thing special and kept in touch with important people.
This was a very good day.
Happy day, Joey K, and many more.
it was a very big day!
happy birthday to you, joey))) much love and celebration!
happy birthday, Joey. glad to know you had a beautiful one.
Happiest of Birthdays to you, Joey! Sounds like a great day. Good for you on facing things you'd rather not and for making a friend smile on your day. Hope all of your Birthday wishes come true =) Peace, Love & Abundant Blessings to you in your new year ahead. God Bless!
HI JOEY - "Happy Birthday" to you my friend and I didn't realize you have the same birthday as my Mom - warms me all over. I loved everything you did to celebrate your birth and life.
Love you man
You successfully made your own happiness and that is what life is all about. Happy Birthday to you!
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