Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ah, i do not know

like the ending of things,
it overshadows my being,
it hugs my shadow.
I wish to make a clean break,
run from everything that pursues me.
To take flight and leave,
oh how i would be happy.
I receive,
i take
and i wonder what i give back.
I try to challenge myself,
but others say no.
They do not even realize they are saying no to me,
but they stop me nevertheless.
I do the thing quietly then
and i wait.
I now have a "bucket list",
a simple one,
for i want to "do" very little,
but there are things to accomplish first.


Granny Annie said...

I believe my bucket list is simple. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

erin said...

all these struggles, all these pockets of time away from happiness allow us our rise to happiness. what a loss we would have without them.

i wonder what it might be that you want to accomplish.
