Tuesday, September 17, 2013

unbidden and unwelcolme

i did not ask for this,
i did not want this,
but it came,
born of a suddenly quiet sun plunging temperatures to cold,
for me.
it is unwelcome,
my garden is not finished and
my tomatoes have suddenly started to yield.
The flowers on the cucumbers will fall off
and none will be harvested.
i do not worry about cabbage or kale,
nor of most of my herbs,
'cept the basil.
The flowers will be gone soon also;
which were for summer exactly that,
are now ready to wither and go.
At first my cooking suffers also,
grilling and smoking
are not well done in the cold.
As my eyes turn to soups and stews,
my taste buds falter.
I am not ready for this,
not yet.
The sun, tho,
remains unusually quiet,
for the maximum peak it suppose to be in
and i can do nothing about it.


Granny Annie said...

We had a bit of cooling and I thought I might not have to mow again this season. However down came the rain again and the temperatures warmed. I can see the grass growing and know I will get another cruise across the lawn and fields very soon.

Carole said...

Hey, what can you say - the weather is what it is. I admire anyone fighting the elements and growing things. It's spring now here. Cheers

Zenserly said...

Love the way you put your thoughts into words as always. I am thinking of your vegetables as I type and almost smelling the great recipe in your kitchen ♥