Thursday, November 14, 2013

the change is too quick

we have gone form Autumn to winter in a heart beat.
In a blink of the eye,
the colors are gone
and the trees stand bare or brown as if dead.
Are we also like this,
everything passing too quickly
that we forget to enjoy the Now?
Are we like the seasons?
bursting with life,
standing green and strong,
full of color and beauty next
and barren and cold at the end?
Or are are relationships the same,
do we get tired of the the same old, same old?
We live and we take such petty things to the nth degree.
We are all connected,
we are all part of one another,
we depend on each other.
It seems so hard because the messages are otherwise.
they are the lie,
we all need each other.
And perhaps soon the snow will fly.

1 comment:

Granny Annie said...

The good thing about the trees becoming bare is that we can hear the train whistle better. I love the sound of the trains.