Thursday, December 19, 2013

Switching my mind

There always 2 paths,
often called right and wrong,
but i prefer to call them light and dark.
We approach things that are maybe difficult
and we have a choice.
So easy to go down that dark path,
so easy to become that darkness we do not like.
Yet the other way is actually easier,
Yes i miss many people who are no longer here,
but i had so much fun with them!
How many people forget to have fun in the moment?
We did not
and now those memories warm my heart and
they chase darkness away!
How wonderful is that.
Thinking of all the things i have done
and all the joy that i have had,
brings it to now.
Merry Christmas to all
and have a bright day!
How is this for festive?


Gail said...

HI JOEY - looks like you came through the darkness in to the light of the season. YAY!! So happy for you
Love Gail

Granny Annie said...

What a beautiful and festive table.

♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...


Carole said...

Have yourself a merry little Christmas....

Hope you enjoy every moment. I plant to (except the last minute rust to finish shopping for presents!)

Michelle (Isabelle) said...

So well said, Joey and a message I sorely needed to hear today. The knee-jerk reaction of our modern-day society seems to be a jump to judgment ... Your words remind me that living in the light means giving our love without conditions ... unconditional love. Thank you for sharing and a Merry Christmas to you as well! =)

Zenserly said...

Festive festive indeed! Thank you for the reminder to live in the moment. May the coming year bring you so much joy!♡