Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Questions and pondering

for a long time,
i have felt
and seen
and lived
through disappointment
and heartache
and loss,
yet i am still here,
not regretting one moment,
despite the thought that i should have guilt
about something i did
or did not do,
yet i believe in every situation,
there was but one option,
the path i took.
People see
and they judge.
That bothers me,
for they do this from afar
and do not engage me in conversation or dialogue.
i do not talk or try to engage them any more,
for their minds are made up,
without discussion of why.
Yet i am still here
and i am doing well.
I do not hate,
though sometimes i am angry...
i am not bitter for what was,
and every moment is precious to me.
That is the loss that others face,
for they have not learned to hold each event
each action
as precious.
It gives peace.


Annie Coe said...

Hi Joey, This is beautiful. All is well and everything that comes our way is for us to see the beauty and the gift. xoxo

Granny Annie said...

My own struggle is deep right now for what I did and did not do. It is my desire for peace and to shake this shadow that is haunting me.