Monday, November 10, 2014

just plain fun

I did not think i would make it till yesterday,
all year,(and more to tell the truth),
I did not think i would be here any more.
I am surprised
and over joyed with each day that I wake.
The things that were dark,
have left
and all that remains are the things of light.
The strange symptoms,
are still here,
but with out a diagnosed cause,
(yet, I think they come form my eyes,
but no one can tell me that).
For my birthday,
some one got me a precious gift:
a year of prayers at the daily mass at a Seminary.
You do not have to believe to be blessed by such a gift,
but it is double because I do believe,
The weather was normal,
not cold
nor hot
and I got to do what I love,
cook a meal for all.

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