Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Some in my readers circles know that i am a published scientist.
2 legitimately published papers, presented research orally and in "poster form" in numerous conferences and dozen or more white papers published at one time on the city's website where i worked for 33 years.
Many of these where presented at prestigious meetings; The American Public Health Association, The national Environmental Health Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.
Never once did I present nor submit a paper to what i consider my own association, the American Chemical Society and now they sent me some thing about publishing which intrigues me.
I have not written even an abstract since the year before i retired, 20011 and even my post's in my research blog "Joey K on the Environment" is fairly dormant.
It takes a lot of effort and there are 2 topics that are going on in my hear, both have some controversy associated with them.

The first was presented by the health director of the time, Anne Fountain", as an "oral" presentation with an abstract written by me at the annual meeting at the American public Health Association in 2011.  It was on the prevalence of pesticides that we found investigating well water in North Stamford and suggested it was mostly due to past agricultural land use.
This was well received at the conference and supported by the USGS and the US EPA.

The second was presented to various members of various agencies looking at problems in Long Island Sound.  It was well received, but was basically ignored because it offered an additional source, one that would be nearly impossible to remedy, for the problem of hypoxia found in the Sound.

Again, the choice to pursue and publish is mine and though i would rather continue with my "stories". publishing in a scientific journal has a great allure for me.

I would love thoughts from my audience,  Thank you.

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