Tuesday, April 11, 2017

a bit mixed up

i seem to be saying that,
a lot lately.
My heart begins with the older penitential rite
of the Anglican church:
"I acknowledge and bewail my manifold sins...
There is much going on,'preparation for a move
and i am finding those who drew close to me,
are sorrowful,
at my impending absence from their lives.
i have never been sure of such things,
i do not feel "worthy" of such love,
though i have always desired it.
My body has suffered many losses
and it is recovering,
faster and faster each week.
It was time for my heart,
which has also suffered greatly,
to heal also.
The hard shell that was built around it,
is softened
and so i feel more now.
The healing process,
is the same,

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