Thursday, March 26, 2009


I had to catch up on the Environmental blog so i have not posted for a bit, but things are well. Okay, things are up and down, good and bad, one day to the next, in other words, fairly normal.
I have managed to extend my time at the lab a bit and have caught up most of the databases that had been neglected during my absence - rain fall, ticks, etc... and have got enough samples to keep me happy and fascinated.
i have forgotten how difficult it is to deal with the public (yes, I know you all are them) when you are the wrong place to get particular information from and have to take time to look it up (the phone trees are never user friendly, sorry Mayor, but then what do you do when positions are eliminated and there just is not enough help?).
I had a great Monday and Tuesday, a bad Wednesday and a good today, energy and eye wise. So you hear no complaints from me. I have stayed a bit longer and that is good.
Still anxious to do that arsenic study, but have to wait for the instrument. I would like to be proactive (again) and find out that something is not a problem (or is) before it becomes an emergency.
On more personal note, I am kind of glad that the curious, always seeking answers, scientist side of me has taken a second layer to the other side, which tells me to stop and smell the roses.
Life is more enjoyable this way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I read your profile - everyone with a doctoral degree hs to be at least somewhat of a perfectionist (including me, a psychologist) - and I hear you, it takes time (or surgery, or catasrophe in some way) before we relialize that it's good to enjoy today! Because today is all we have!
Glad I found you:)