Saturday, March 14, 2009

More Tributes

It is chilly out, I want to work in my garden, I am frustrated with my lack of balance, I need this eye thing to finish, I want my friends around me and in the mist of all this I feel peace.
My tribute to Ricardo!
I thought of papa and went to his wake last night. I forgot I took a picture of he and his wife a bit ago.

Not the greatest of pictures, but it was who they were so much of the time.

My mom has been getting rest, but of course they have to feed her 3 times a day and she is usually ready to take a nap. She sounds very good and my cousin says she looks good. I can not ask for more.
I get to go to SUNY on Tuesday and we will see what they say!

Yes work has been a real "upper" for me. As much as I try to live as a pacifist, I still love a good fight and had several during the course of the week. The little guy (me) won them all. the fights were all about truth and protecting the public and the little guys. It is something I need to do deep down.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You did wonderfully on the exercise :-)

I'm glad your mother is better and I'm glad to see the little guys winning the fights for once.