Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Strange Days

Today was one and I did not realize how appropriate till I looked up what the 1995 movie was about.
First, only one person tried to run me down on the way to and from work. Most days it is many (give me a paint ball gun will you now Stamford Talk)!
Then i stayed at work until 2 PM (from 8 AM) - another good thing!
There was a employees meeting (with the mayor and Ben Barnes) about the new recycling program, where there is a lot more stuff that can be recycled! I like this a lot!
I got to work on the samples from the gradual outflow from the Greenwich treatment plant, through the harbor and that was fun.
Now for the Strange Days association - As I am walking home on the corner of Washington and Main, I guy says it looks like you are in pain (I was) and was actually seeming to be nice about it and then asks me if I want some Percocets!
Drug dealers on the main thoroughfare!
It got Stranger!
For months I had been dreading meeting the lady who dumped me 2 weeks after being in the hospital. I thought of how i would deal with her, what i would say etc... I was NOT going to be nice.
She comes out of the Polish deli and says Hi and all that meanness was not there. I could not be mean and we a had reasonable conversation. She still looks good and I am not interested, but it is not in my nature to be mean. So much for being a Scorpio.
We will see how the rest of the day goes.


Kevin McKeever said...

But how much was he charging for the Perc, b/c I know a guy ... ;-)

Jeannette StG said...

Hmm, are you still having feelings for the Polish lady? Be careful! I love the painting in your header - am really glad you decided to show your paintings more!!

Unknown said...

When she left, I was in such bad physical shape that I could not waste any time being angry. As I gained strength, I was really angry and had decided all kinds of ways i should respond. That I did not respond is more my character rather than any feelings I have. I would not want her in my life because she left when I was really down and that is not a positive attribute.
And in this case, she is Peruvian, not Polish, she was just coming out of the deli which is near where she works.

Libby said...

joey, i'm finally getting to a place where when i think abt my x, all i can do is remember the old kenny rogers song "you left me just when i needed you most"...i have nothing to say to him now, i know he'll get it all back in the future...

Susan English Mason said...

I really love the watercolor painting in your header. Damn. I paint too but nothing that good.

I came by from Pheromone Girl's to say Hi and congrats for the Pop Tart Award. I read your comments all of the time, so it's about time I visited.