Friday, January 8, 2010



It started snowing last night and from what I here, it got mostly all of the East coast (save Florida???).
This snow was pretty, had mostly dissipated by 1 PM when I left work and it was warming up.
No more snow, but now comes the big freeze for the weekend, not something i am looking forward to.
The cold does effect my mood, making me feel more boxed in, not pleasant.
I keep on getting Emails from my Mom's conservative friend about the health care debates and I realized reading them, they don't get it.
The normal fear factor is there and there are statistics all over the place ( but you might know how I feel about statistics), but they miss the point.
The point is that many, many Americans do not have insurance or insurance.
People who have jobs (and are thankful at least they can work), but have health insurance that simply is rotten so they have to go into bankruptcy to deal with the bills.
People with "preexisting" conditions, who really are denied health insurance.
People who have jobs that do not provide health insurance.
If you get the drift, it is not about what the medical community can do, it is about the insurance which, doctor, the people who treat us, have complained about for years.
So it is about money and the fear factor about how the medical community will not give us the treatment we have been is fairly unfounded.
That is all from me on this.
I am fortunate, I have very good health insurance and I have been very well covered.
Not so many people are so lucky or fortunate.


Woman in a Window said...

In the States years ago I had severe chest pains. No insurance but I feared the what if. To the emergency room and two hours later on a machine, our savings was wiped out. Last time we had a savings. It was a torn muscle. And yet, I was lucky on so many levels.

We all deserve health care, as much as we deserve freedom of speech or 24hour Walmart shopping. Oh wait, no one needs 24hours Walmart shopping! In fact, perhaps we all need health care more than freedom of speech. Dead peoples don't talk!

Jeannette StG said...

Oh how I agree with you -especially just having dealt with having to change insurance (hubby is now eligible for medicare, so I needed to get an individual package).

The thing about pre-existing conditions really gets under my skin. Insurances seem to make sure they just collect money, instead of really being an insurance -what does it help when the thing you need most help with, is excluded??

Okay, I'll get off my soap box now:)

Gail said...

Hi Joey-

I too have good health insurance and I have good long term disability too. These are two "lovelies" I am holding dear to my heart as I work through this "ick" day. Thank you for being here to remind me. I needed that.

Love and deep respect to you

Grant said...

I actually got a day off thanks to the snow (unpaid, of course).