Sunday, May 16, 2010

Random, Random

On an early Sunday morning,
i sit quietly,
remembering that i have forgotten the lessons learned.

The lessons of life,
that in the business of living,
have been put aside.

lessons of what is important and hanging on to those things.

The deep sharing i had with her is missing,
for we met soul to soul,
nothing covered.
Naked, all thoughts and emotions on the table,
nothing covered.
The feelings she learned to hide so long ago,
were there to touch and feel.
they were raw and strong,
they had been caged so long.
To caress that soul, to free those thought and emotions was my goal.
to allow her to feel, she so desperately wanted to feel.
Another came to distract and she went away
and all was covered again.
i will not cage a bird and so i let it go,
longing for those days of nakedness.

In the morning, still another.
Games, others played and toyed with her heart,
but i would not.
confused and heart broken she was, but strong and resilient.
She found her strength and lives,
but i miss her smile in the morning for the game players took her away.

Slow down, i say.
Why are you rushing?
we all come to the same end, why hurry?
The beauty that surrounds us, the flowers and the trees,
are there for us to see.
Reach out!
Touch someone, really touch someone.
Feel the curves of their heart,
the jagged edges of hurt
and feel.
They know you are there,
you have not gone away.


Bruce Coltin said...

Beautiful. I will need to visit this one again. And again.

Ileana said...

I love this poem, Joey! It tells a passionate story. "Feel the curves of their heart," is a beautiful line. :)

Barry said...

Beautifully, honestly and tenderly written.