Monday, May 17, 2010

What is it all about

Strange and busy days
Life in a whirl,
but laughter still prevails.
Today i talked with a true geek, a genius geek.
The phone conversation was long and lofty.
You know the kind,
when yours eyes glaze over and you say "yes" to every thing the person says,
tho you do not understand?
But i understood everything he said, in those long technical terms,
but i kept bringing i t back to earth.
Who have i become,
to be able to do that,
to bridge an unfathomable gap.
I laughed after,it felt good.
When i came home, i help some one in their garden.


Brenda's Arizona said...

You should be proud to have one foot in each world!

Woman in a Window said...

More and more I do believe you live life well.
