Thursday, June 17, 2010

going home

slow, so slow,
i make my way make home.
So i do not tumble or trip or fall.
I am tired, so tired.
The days are busy, so busy,
with bosses who are aggravated
and people who need help
and persons who want to complain
and work, real work.
Tedious work and i must be careful, so careful.
So fast, the cars, so fast.
running stop signs and turning around each other,
so quickly, yet they get home no faster than i.
What is their hurry, they just get mad at each other
and i get home sooner than they,
but i go slow, so slow,
to keep my balance so i might not fall
and get the rest i need.


Gail said...


I feel your fatigue. Rest my friend, rest......

Love you man
peace and hope.....

Ileana said...

It's not easy "taking it easy" in a rush-rush world. Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing weekend, my friend!