Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Facing Fears – Real and unreal

Every day I walk to work,

As I walk, I face my fears.

Some are real –

Those of making a mistake that could leave me burned or poisoned or electrocuted or infected.

Those are real fears because of the nature of my work…

So I must be careful and cautious

and not let the tyranny of the urgent affect how I approach what I do.

The there is the fear of approaching something that is new or I do not remember doing before,

That is a different fear and not totally rational because deep down,

I know I can do almost anything.

That fear paralyzes me and makes me afraid,

But I find I keep on going and face it squarely.


Gail said...

Hi Joey-everyone is afraid, rationale or otherwise. The key is, as you said, "to face it squarely"
Love to you

erin said...

you're a strong one. you need to be. we all do.

keep on walking and keep on facing. one foot and then the other. that's me kinda beside you:)
