Tuesday, November 22, 2011

how does it work?

You make a mistake,
big or small,
it pulls something deep inside of you.
The mistake is not longer the issue,
the lesson is.
The lesson is deeper than you could have ever imagined.
Something not resolved,
something which effects your life now
and in the past.
It is time for that to end, thus the mistake,
to draw attention,
to provide correction,
to show yet a better way.
It happens more often than not,
I do not like it at the time,
but it is better as time goes on.


Gail said...

HI JOEY - deep profound words. Ya, I hear ya. I have made my share of mistakes and felt the pain and fear after -
in time, it fades, never completely though.
Love to you and Happy Thanksgiving

Lou said...

oh boy, I had to start over this morning. And I did not like it at the time.

I really enjoy these meditative posts.

Have a peaceful holiday!

Shionge said...

Sadly sometimes people focused on the mistake and not the lesson though.